This 100 hole Golf It map drove us all insane... 100 holes of pain and suffering
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Ever wanted to watch us play 100 holes of Golf It? Well... screw you, but here you go! A 100 hole Golf It map, an absolutely torturous experience, but we made it through! For the most part... lost some brain cells along the way
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#Kryoz #GolfIt #100Holes
Background music and sound effects from
www.epidemicsou... Игры
8:08 hearing John get so excited brings joy to my heart
I’ve seen this video so many times from so many povs but no matter what, “elevator down mega thing” will always be funny
Imagine you get to hell and it’s just a endless “golf it” golf course irl…
I think golf it irl is just golf
@@buruuberii442 well having been forced to play for 4 years I will agree that if hell = golf it, and golf it = regular golf, then yeah that’s correct.
@@buruuberii442 😂
And then the one who gets the least amount of strokes gets to be resurrected
Time to sin then.
I’m loving these intros john
Best thing since bear fists
@@jeezuhskriste5759 you have bear fists?
and putros
edit:i’m retarded meant to say outros BRO WHY DOES THAT SEEM LIKE IM SPELLING IT WRONG NOW FUCK
@@Dylan-yx7sf I’m loving these putros John
"I'm in a rock! Wait, okay no, I'm out of it. Thank God! I thought I got drafted for a second!"
I hate how brilliant some of your jokes are when nobody notices in these sessions
Took me way too long to figure it out
I don't get it
@@Wanderer0981 I’m in a rock = I’m in Iraq (I think)
@@ThyRandomGuy I see
I came to the comments to see if anyone caught it
"Oh thank god, I thought I got drafted for a second"
“Im in A rock”😂😂😂 that was the most underrated joke in his Life😂😂
comedic fucking genius
"It's gonna be so embarrassing if Smii7y doesn't finish a hole."
Hol' up, what does that mean John-
I love how out of a 44 minute video from Kreeoz Gaming, that’s the innuendo that got you XD
Mf like apricot preserves AND says this shit, there is no way in hell John’s straight bro-
“Rick and mordee”
“Egg sandwech”
Smii7y is speaking the language of gods
Chicken parm
@@jameseichler6506 frog shower
This just looks like my intrusive thoughts personified
Smii7y saying "bamhurger" was far funnier to me than it should have been
looks like we went insane right along with them
who else didn’t realize how long the video was until they said it’s the longest golf video
i’m surprised you made it this long considering the last “longest golf video” was less than 10 minutes :o
8:05 that was fucking amazing
I feel the excitement
3:13 Are we not gonna talk about how Kryoz just turned golf into a university math lesson?
i feel asleep when watching this video last night and woke up to
smii7y- “you could say anything right now and it would be funny”
john- “even the n-word?”
I love how the longer the video goes on the more drunk in boredom they become. By 27:31 they've invented an entirely new language.
Sim language
just simlish
8:04 still the best trickshot of all time
this game looks fire lol
Alright, I'll bite--when are you going to join them for a round of Golf It, only to inevitably lose your mind because you end up playing another 100 course golf map with them all?
We need a jiggly + byze + Kryoz + Smii7y + Billy + bbno$ collab
@@TKDWN_YT agreed; I live for the chaos that would cause
"a rock, I am in a rock. Okay I'm out again." Me having PTSD
I'm clicked here just to hear yall talked. Was not disappointed.
“I’m in a rock-I thought I got drafted” lmao fucking got me 💀💀💀
38:58 oh my god. I just imagine that one meme where the nerd says “why do women only like men that treat them like shit” and it has that alien at the end that goes “AUWDAGAUH”
i was half expecting you to actually to cut it down to five minutes lmao
5:34 -6:25 I could not stop laughing, there was just so much happening at the same time
6:57 Don't worry John, we all saw that trick shot :)
“you wanna hit just- oh i farted” thank you john
That intro is just God introducing us to hell after we die
What circle
Being subbed to Kryoz is good even if you mainly watch someone else in the group because john is always so quiet that he’s the only one that mixes him to be heard
8:05 Kryoz is the Trick Shot Master
Was binging the old golf videos so this is a true blessing
This is perfect! I was watching his previous golf it videos again as I got the notification for this one. :)
“it’s hot in my room. it’s hot in my room and i’m *picnicking* ” 10:53
i love that u can clearly see how they were going insane little by little, with each hole passing by
Kryoz: I’m gonna squeeze this down to like 5 minutes.
Well… at least you were close
30:50 I can confirm that Burghammer is actually a place in Germany. There's apparently a place in Saxony (Sachsen for the Germans) that's called that.
Damn, really uploaded a whole ass movie
Both Byze and John posting 40-minute videos?
Today's a good day.
Man so many funny moments with you I couldn’t hear right on Anthony’s video ❤️ ty
watching them dissolve into madness is just what i needed today
Watching this late at night makes everything ten times funnier, this is perfect-
thank you for actually playing the golf as it meant to and not just aimlessly aiming for other pointless holes, like, its just boring to watch. Props to you, John!
John said the funniest joke on all of RUclips and noone commented
"IM IN A ROCK IM IN A ROCK... phew thought I got drafted"
I think this is the longest video John has posted besides his milestone and best of year videos! Keep the good work up!
His intro and artistic skills shows that John has an amazing talent.
So glad that i found this channel
came back to watch a year later and i still laugh at "I'lL StiLl TAke iT!"
I love his golf videos they are the only thing in my life that bring me joy
30:00 fav part
this is the longest golf video! SMITTY WILL NOT BE HAPPY ABOUT THIS.
These animated intros are really nice, keep up the good work John
22:36 laughing_gnome_on_helium.mp3
45 minutes of watching grown men suffer. Exactly what I like to watch!
Whew I’ve been waiting your perspective of this pain and suffering. Time to stare endlessly into the sun and endesssly into this video.
lets appreciate john for editing this 40 minute video
You'd think that being an adult, 100 holes in one day would be a blessing.
Well not for these guys apparently-
They need to add teams to this game I feel like that would be funny as hell
43 minuets of straight laughter, love it
"im in a rock, im in a rock! oh no im out of it, thank god I thought I got drafted" ahahaha
Thank you for the epic vid John
me: bored and tired
kryoz: 46 mins of golf with some epic guys
me: :))))
I literally opened RUclips like “I have a feeling John uploaded” and then I see it’s 40 mins long. We’re being fed.
When smii7y was saying "come on boys touch it " I was disappointed that john didn't reply "shut up you sound just like my scout master"
Same, it would not have gone unnoticed in a goons vid. I immediately thought "the priest at Sunday School be like...,"
I laughed way to hard at Smii7y yelling “RICK AND MORTY!”
It would be a Golf It video without these sick trick-shots
6:16 the hamburger makes me wheeze
Smitty's frosty the snowman jingle was kinda funny especially when John added the der to the end
can't wait to see 4:35 in kryoz and smii7y couple moments
Finally another one who noticed this! xD
Almost thought he was gonna say witchakia then
"im in a rock, whew thought i got drafted" very funny joke that went misheard, dont worry we dont miss those
Sorry wasn't paying attention, could y'all record it again?
You guys better play Mario golf when it comes out😂 I can envision the rage already
5:35 starts the greatest full minute of content on RUclips
finally 43 minutes of kryoz and his friends losing their minds
40 minutes with kryoz and the boys, I think fuck yeah!
Why did this make me laugh so much😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
35:42 TO THE MOON!
I had to go back and watch @8:05 a couple times, what a shot holy shit John
i think the iraq getting drafted joke was underrated lmfao
That was a joke
@@daisyjoy242 that’s why it’s funny and underrated what’s the prob
30:03 “i’Ll StIlL tAkE It”
John ngl,that intro is gorgeous!!
I started watching this in the shower then like missed a part so I rewatched the entire thing while I ate then didn’t remember shit about the video so now I’m watching it for a third time
Did your brain shut off
@@daisyjoy242 pretty sure it did.
32:00 🤣🤣
Hell wouldn’t even be the word for this lmao
Valhalla is a good word too
@@daisyjoy242 Valhalla is a good thing though
The intro made me think I had clicked on a Hyun Dojo video rather than a Kryoz Video. I had to pause and double check. Cool stuff!
I love this man so much
They went more and more insane with each hole
It's like the middle of the night and I'm dying of laughter
The greatest golf moments,all in one.
We need another 100 holes but with some drinks...
The amount of ads you got on this video is amazing. Happy for you Kryoz man
I think we’ve finally got the world’s longest golf video
Jhon please post more man you're my favorite RUclipsr, keep it up please
8:05 holy shit lmao
i laughed at the i wanna shake his hand joke…. i lost it
got lots of snacks ready for this once i saw the duration of the video
omg your outro is such a bop
8:08 what the actual fuck that’s amazing
no way i fell asleep to a golf it video like it was ASMR💀
40+ hrs of john? we've been blessed